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The English Speaking Club of Zurich

New in Zurich ?

British, American, Scandina-vian, Asian, Swiss, Expats, etc. - everybody is welcome.

(Ir)regular Meeting Place

Our regular meeting takes place every last Tuesday of the month at different places at the moment (mostly at Restaurant Werdguet): From 7:00 p.m. you are invited to join us! Just have a chat, meet new people, etc. Especially in the colder season this event has become one of the most attended ones.

How to get there? See description directly at the corresponding event.
Non members are welcome...

The new current committe in charge, you will find here.

A short note from the Secretary


A short note from the secretary

Dear Members, 

When I reported about archives and documents from the Club's founding year 1963, with a slight disappointment, I had to tell you there were no such documents from that time. This morning, by chance, I discovered some! They even date back to 1962 when our Club did not yet exist. 1962 must have been a year when the building up/preparations of the Club were already in full action. I also found the FIRST statutes of our Club, dated as per March 8, 1963. Basically the same content as our last version from 2008, but a different, slightly "old-fashioned" wording.

At the Open House event on March 26, I will bring some of these very old documents with me and you can immerse yourself into the early Sixties.

But now, let's travel forward to the present - and to the future. With this, I mean the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) on February 20. As we have to overcome quite a few "Construction Sites" in our Club, your presence at the AGM is most appreciated. All other events in this programme are rather "leichte Kost" or light meal and I look forward to seeing you at some of these events too.   

 Warmest regards




Email ESCZ Secretary                                    (C) 2024 ESCZ